Posted August 25, 2018 in Sacred Stories

Beams of Light

Sacred Stories

Her son had passed that winter, and she and her daughter went to a place that is very sacred to her to spread his ashes.

As her daughter was taking photos, she started noticing that beams of light showed up where his ashes were placed. She would change the position of the […]

Posted August 19, 2018 in Debra’s Wellness Tips

Tea Time

Debra’s Wellness Tips

News about the health benefits of tea (especially green tea) has been around for many years now. If you are just starting to get serious about tea as a regular part of your healthy lifestyle, here is one of the best reasons to put on your list:

Drinking tea may lower the […]

Posted August 18, 2018 in Sacred Stories

Slipping Me $150

Sacred Stories

Her morning errands had taken longer than she expected, and she had an afternoon appointment for a massage. Rather than go all the way home, she stopped for some lunch. As she was returning her tray after she finished eating, she slipped on the floor where some soup had been spilled a bit […]

Posted August 12, 2018 in Debra’s Wellness Tips

Near Death

Debra’s Wellness Tips

Death might just be considered by many to be one of the worst fates, but it is something every human being will experience. Given that death is inevitable, perhaps we would do well to have a better relationship with it.

Over the years I have encouraged people to write their own […]

Posted August 11, 2018 in Sacred Stories

Three Letters

Sacred Stories

As her husband was facing death, he begged her to promise him that she would be open to loving someone else and having someone else love love her. Although she was only 51, that felt unthinkable to her at the time.

She had been widowed 16 years when she met someone.The man […]

Posted August 5, 2018 in Debra’s Wellness Tips


Debra’s Wellness Tips

Having a diagnosis of diabetes is no sweet news, if you will pardon the pun. However, like everything in life, you can let it get the best of you, or you can make the best of it.

Learn how to enjoy a balanced plate, eat regular meals, get plenty of rest, […]

Posted August 4, 2018 in Sacred Stories

8:49 Divine Timing

Sacred Stories

At 8:49 am, she received a text from a colleague that would not be needing to use the office because her client had rescheduled. Also at exactly 8:49 am, she received a call from someone needing a session.

Had that call come in even one minute earlier, the office space would not […]

Posted July 29, 2018 in Debra’s Wellness Tips

More Yoga News!

Debra’s Wellness Tips

Yoga is in the news again!

In the 1980s I first learned yoga was considered the most effective approach for relief of back pain. Most surprisingly, that report was from the Texas Back Institute, at that time one of the nations’ largest back surgical institutions.

In 2017, CBS News reported “Yoga […]

Posted July 28, 2018 in Sacred Stories

Super Blue Moon

Sacred Stories

On Jan. 31, 2018, a total lunar eclipse occurred during the Blue Moon and supermoon, making it a rare Super Blue Blood Moon!

He was dealing with some strong emotions, going back to an event that happened when he was a child. His family home had burned maliciously, an intentional act aimed […]

Posted July 22, 2018 in Debra’s Wellness Tips

Non-invasive Pain Relief

Debra’s Wellness Tips

According to Harvard Health Publishing, here are 8 non-invasive pain relief techniques that really work:

1. Cold and heat.

2. Exercise.

3. Physical therapy and occupational therapy. T

4. Mind-body techniques.

5. Yoga and tai chi.

6. Biofeedback.

7. Music therapy.

8. Therapeutic massage.

This […]