Posted September 29, 2018 in Sacred Stories

Three Little Birds

Sacred Stories

After her daughter lived three-and-one-half days, she founded a soap making business to honor her daughter. It was the first “market” where Ella’s Soapbox was set up.

Bob Marley’s “Three Little Birds” began to play.

This was a very special song, and the message was clear:

Saying’, (this is my message to […]

Posted September 23, 2018 in Debra’s Wellness Tips

Music, Meditation & Memesto

Debra’s Wellness Tips

Research has long recognized the health benefits of making music, from Harps for Hearts, to drumming but according to a Time news report, “Listening to Music Health Benefits,” listening has health benefits too. Listening to music seems to “selectively activate” neurochemical systems and brain structures associated with positive mood, emotion regulation, attention […]

Posted September 22, 2018 in Sacred Stories

Amazing Grace!

Sacred Stories

She had come to recognize finding dimes as a message from spirit after a man told his wife anyone can send pennies from heaven so he would send dimes.

While cleaning her windshield at the gas station, she found a dime by her right front tire.

Ten minutes later, opening her […]

Posted September 16, 2018 in Debra’s Wellness Tips

Lean Back

Debra’s Wellness Tips

We all know the health risks of too much sitting. Now we are also recognizing most of our waking hours are spent leaning forward. We sit behind the steering wheel, we lean over our desks, we stir pots, we check email. All of these movements have our posture a bit bent out […]

Posted September 15, 2018 in Sacred Stories

Overnight Visitor

Sacred Stories

Her mom had alcohol-related dementia. As she was approaching her transition, she would often share having been with her late husband and other loved ones during the previous night.

One morning, a dear friend was in the reported overnight visitors. That seemed strange until later that day when her daughter received word […]

Posted September 9, 2018 in Debra’s Wellness Tips

How Happiness Happens

Debra’s Wellness Tips

Science is now in the business of figuring out how happiness happens, and why this matters. But obviously happiness is not the only emotion it is healthy for us to feel. According to US News, “The Science of What Makes People Happy” is complex:

If you’re constantly happy, you’re avoiding all […]

Posted September 8, 2018 in Sacred Stories

“Direct” TV

Sacred Stories

Before leaving Florida for the winter, she had made arrangements to have her Direct TV hooked up here in Michigan the day after she returned. On her first night home in the middle of the night the Direct TV came on and it had a fishing show on it.

The TV came […]

Posted September 2, 2018 in Debra’s Wellness Tips

A is for Apple

Debra’s Wellness Tips

It used to be said that “an apple a day keeps the doctor away,” but health challenges with eating conventionally grown apples may be the way we can be inspired to recognize it may be vital the planet adapts regenerative farming practices. In Our Broken Food System”, you can read all about […]

Posted September 1, 2018 in Sacred Stories

Credit Card Reader

Sacred Stories

She had been looking for her credit card reader for two days.

She arrived at the venue without yet finding it.

Calling her by name, she said right out loud to her daughter in spirit, “It it is here, show me where it is.”

She picked up a bag of bags and […]

Posted August 26, 2018 in Debra’s Wellness Tips

Dutch Diet

Debra’s Wellness Tips

After all these years of hearing the health benefits of the Mediterranean diet, now we are learning that the “Dutch Diet” (very similar) might just be key to bigger brains and thus to better cognitive skills as we age.

People with greater brain volume have been shown in other studies to […]