Posted November 3, 2018 in Sacred Stories

From Grief to Serenity

Sacred Stories

On Thursday, she had to put down her beloved dog.

Half-heartedly, on Friday she went to a conference previously committed to that she had missed the first day of.

The first panel she attended was titled, “From Grief to Serenity”!

On Joy and Sorrow Kahlil Gibran Your joy is your sorrow […]

Posted October 28, 2018 in Debra’s Wellness Tips

Patience in Life

Debra’s Wellness Tips

A search for the phrase “importance of patience” generated 59,600,000 hits. Additional subtitles include patience in: business, relationships, teaching, parenting. This quotation from a “Wisdom Times” blog post titled Importance of Patience in Life probably sums it up:

Anger and stress are two things that are enough to ruin a person’s health. […]

Posted October 27, 2018 in Sacred Stories

XM Radio

Sacred Stories

She had had a song in her head but all she had was the melody so she could not Google any of the lyrics.

While she was changing stations on XM radio, the song came on!

“Only the Young” by Journey….

Chorus Only the young can say They’re free to fly away Sharing […]

Posted October 21, 2018 in Debra’s Wellness Tips

Yoga Brain

Debra’s Wellness Tips

OK, so here is yet another encouragement for your developing a yoga practice. This one is all about your yoga brain.

A picture is worth a thousand words, so please take a close look at “Your Brain on Yoga.”

A regular yoga practice benefits these areas of your brain: frontal […]

Posted October 20, 2018 in Sacred Stories


Sacred Stories

They were at the 4th of July Fireworks, and she was sharing with a friend what was happening with her dad’s passing just a year ago.

Suddenly, the display was first a heart, and then a smiley face.

“Those were just for us!” she breathed.

These are sacred […]

Posted October 14, 2018 in Debra’s Wellness Tips

Nordic Diet

Debra’s Wellness Tips

Daily our world grows smaller…. and nowhere more so than with human dietary fads. One of the newest is the Nordic Diet.

Nordic vegetables are cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, roots and peas. Fish varieties include salmon, sardines, mackerel, herring and dried salty cod. Fruits do not grow abundantly in the […]

Posted October 13, 2018 in Sacred Stories

Tri-fold Photo Frame

Sacred Stories

They were dealing with the loss of their infant daughter differently. He was living with his other two children. She was living with all three.

He purchased a bi-fold picture frame and put a picture of the two children in it.

Her first thought was, “Where’s our other daughter?” but she […]

Posted October 7, 2018 in Debra’s Wellness Tips

Circadian Rhythm Disorder

Debra’s Wellness Tips

Sleep disturbances can be associated with short-term circumstances, but longer-term sleep disturbance may be a result of “circadian rhythm disorder.”

Some people become night owls, staying up late and have difficulty waking up in the morning. Teens often have this happen.

Older adults can find themselves too tired too early, going to […]

Posted October 6, 2018 in Sacred Stories


Sacred Stories

When she got into her car “Crossroads” was playing on the radio. It was one of her son’s favorite songs.

See you at the crossroads, crossroads, crossroads So you won’t be lonely See you at the crossroads, crossroads, crossroads So you won’t be lonely See you at the crossroads, crossroads So you […]

Posted September 30, 2018 in Debra’s Wellness Tips

Man's Best Friend

Debra’s Wellness Tips

Humans may have domesticated dogs two separate times, taming wolves both in Europe and Asia thousands of years ago. A major international research project may have cleared some of the controversy surrounding the origins of the domestication of dogs, which has until now remained a mystery with two primary hypotheses. The first […]