Posted December 8, 2018 in Sacred Stories By Debra Basham Sacred Stories
Her father’s passing had been very difficult. She and her sister were holding together his business. Many times she felt herself asking him for guidance.
She noticed her dad’s special African drum would often make one “ping” as answer or confirmation to her thoughts or wondering. She knew he was answering her! […]
Posted December 2, 2018 in Debra’s Wellness Tips By Debra Basham Debra’s Wellness Tips
“These difficulties that we go through, we think they are in the way. They become obstacles. But really, we have to let in a very real possibility that they are the way, they’re not in the way, and what the actual practice helps us do is turn toward what we’ve been avoiding.” […]
Posted December 1, 2018 in Sacred Stories By Debra Basham Sacred Stories
Shortly before her husband passed, he ordered a frog bird feeder. She had no way of knowing the significance of that.
After he passed, their yard became a play ground for tree frogs.
They came, they stayed, they sang, and they dropped down onto picnic plates.
She now wears several […]
Posted November 25, 2018 in Debra’s Wellness Tips By Debra Basham Debra’s Wellness Tips
The brokenhearted are the bravest among us because they had the courage to love. ~ Brené Brown
These words were spoken in a brave talk Brené Brown gave about Daring Classrooms. Make no mistake, some people are teachers in classrooms, but we are all teachers in life’s classroom.
She asks, “How many […]
Posted November 24, 2018 in Sacred Stories By Debra Basham Sacred Stories
Her kids were coming to stay for a while. She had been keeping her husband’s ashes in the guest bedroom, but thought it best that she not leave them out.
After the visit, she looked for the ashes, but could not find them where she thought she had put them.
She […]
Posted November 18, 2018 in Debra’s Wellness Tips By Debra Basham Debra’s Wellness Tips
Hypnosis shows up in the news more and more often these days. It has been shown effective for everything from childbirth and dental procedures, to smoking cessation and weight management. I am often asked if hypnosis can help you lose weight.
I clarify that using hypnosis for weight management is very […]
Posted November 17, 2018 in Sacred Stories By Debra Basham Sacred Stories
He was at an open house, waiting out in the driveway for the arrival of an elder friend. As the friend arrived, and he helped her park safely, a man walked up.
The man was asking for directions to the Dial-a-Ride. Having walked a good long way already after making a wrong […]
Posted November 11, 2018 in Debra’s Wellness Tips By Debra Basham Debra’s Wellness Tips
Work can be a double-edged sword. It can stimulate creativity, generate feelings of well-being, and enhance social connections. But, like everything in life, there is an upper threshold that can turn a benefit into a liability. The Melbourne Institute of Applied Economics and Social Research at the University of Melbourne invited 3,500 […]
Posted November 10, 2018 in Sacred Stories By Debra Basham Sacred Stories
They were on their way to an out-of-town major league baseball game. Their infant daughter was going to spend the night with a friend.
For the first time maybe in her life, the previous day she was thinking that a Coke™ sounded good. (She had never liked pop!)
She was feeling very […]
Posted November 4, 2018 in Debra’s Wellness Tips By Debra Basham Debra’s Wellness Tips
Back discomfort is pretty much a way of life for Americans as they age. It does not have to be that way, says Jenn Sherer. “It’s not sitting that’s causing the pain, it’s how you’re sitting.”
Take a look at people who are sitting down – not face-on but rather from the […]
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