Posted April 27, 2021 in Sacred Stories By Debra Basham Sacred Stories
Late one evening, returning from a visit to her son’s, she lost her balance getting out of the car and into the house and fell. Thankfully, her daughter was with her, visiting from out of state.
She had a pretty severe skin tear on the underside of her forearm and […]
Posted April 27, 2021 in Sacred Stories By Debra Basham Sacred Stories
She had been scrolling on a local Facebook “Memories” page, and happened to see her deceased husband’s writing!
A woman had purchased a bible — with this inscription — at an antique store. She had gone onto and posted the photo on the local page hoping to find the […]
Posted April 23, 2021 in Sacred Stories By Debra Basham Sacred Stories
He had just spent 8 days on a meditation retreat that ordinarily would have taken place on the Emerald Isle, North Carolina, beach. The meditation teacher would ordinarily gather broken shells and give one to each participant. Due to the pandemic, this retreat was held on Zoom.
Their “virtual” […]
Posted April 20, 2021 in Sacred Stories By Debra Basham Sacred Stories
It had been an intense retreat. She was grieving so many recent losses…
Her best friend had passed with ALS. Her brother passed suddenly of a heart attack while climbing the stairs to visit their mother. Then her mother passed from the coronavirus — a virus that prevented her from […]
Posted March 21, 2021 in Sacred Stories By Debra Basham Sacred Stories
Her granddaughter was only 6 months old when her husband had passed.
Visiting, now four years later, the young child looked into her eyes and said, “Pappa is never coming back.”
Their eyes locked, hers filled with tears.
This precious child placed a hand on each of her cheeks […]
Posted March 21, 2021 in Sacred Stories By Debra Basham Sacred Stories
They were navigating the grief of the passing of their adult son. Her husband said, “If I just knew he is happy where he is, it would be easier.”
She knocked over a can of soda, spilling it down and under a nearby chair.
Moving the chair to clean […]
Posted March 21, 2021 in Sacred Stories By Debra Basham Sacred Stories
Her father called from California, but she missed his call.
He was wishing her a Happy Valentine’s Day.
Later that day, he had a stroke.
When he passed away, she was so grateful she had missed his call that day.
She still has his loving voice mail […]
Posted March 21, 2021 in Sacred Stories By Debra Basham Sacred Stories
He had passed just two weeks earlier.
He flashed into her mind so many times.
She opened the drawer to see the small green ceramic bowl he had gifted her.
There in the center of the bowl was his message: I love you! She could actually hear him […]
Posted March 21, 2021 in Sacred Stories By Debra Basham Sacred Stories
He had passed quite unexpectedly in his sleep.
She had kept the combination to his gun safe in his contact on her phone, but it was not there as she was cleaning out his apartment.
As she went to bed that night, she told him she needed the combination. […]
Posted March 9, 2021 in Sacred Stories By Debra Basham Sacred Stories
She and her husband found this bear at a rock shop in Canada and they both fell in love with it.
His passing was such a shock…. and loss.
They had divorced, remaining devoted.
Making arrangements with the funeral home, she stopped at a shop. The first thing […]
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