Posted July 19, 2021 in Sacred Stories


Sacred Stories

When his patient died on the operating table and medical efforts of the team did not revive him, the surgeon called out, “Tommy, it’s not your time, come on back.”

And Tommy’s heart started beating again….

Bernie Siegel, M.D. first wrote about Love, Medicine, and Miracles.

Now, in his eighties, […]

Posted July 15, 2021 in Sacred Stories

Landing Page

Sacred Stories

She read again the information about private meetings with a woman she had recently been considering having a session with, and closed it without scheduling an appointment.

Then she thought she might visit the website only, but she could not remember the URL.

When she did a search for […]

Posted July 13, 2021 in Sacred Stories

Happy Easter!

Sacred Stories

She (admittedly) is not a morning person.

Her mother was. Every morning her mom would call her too bright, too cheery, and too early. When she would answer the phone, she would hear this cheerful voice on the line, “Good morning!”

Her mom passed…

Easter morning she heard the […]

Posted July 3, 2021 in Sacred Stories

Pink Beach Home

Sacred Stories

She posted on FaceBook:

As I look at my 120 year old, pink beach home in Rhode Island, USA, through my car window, I am amazed it is mine.

I lived in utter poverty after my divorce. Some days, I would buy toilet paper one roll at a time. For […]

Posted June 27, 2021 in Sacred Stories

Heart-Shaped Water Spot

Sacred Stories

Out for a bike ride, early Sunday morning, after the previous day of heavy storm-related rain, at 8:31 a.m. she photographed a distinct heart-shaped water spot.

A few minutes later she sent it to a dear friend in a text message.

The reply: “I was just sitting here, sobbing […]

Posted June 18, 2021 in Sacred Stories

Healing is all the Buzz!

Sacred Stories

(A woman living in Florida, articulates her amazing synchronicity with a friend who lives in Mexico around a shared joy of the art form of dotting.)

Note: Ze/Per/Hir/They – These pronouns offer inclusion and accuracy for someone who doesn’t identify by the male/female gender classifications, and were used in the original […]

Posted June 9, 2021 in Sacred Stories

Donate Platelets!

Sacred Stories

She had been feeling lonely and homesick for their previous home of 27 years, missing friends in particular. She began reflecting on the power of connection, even small conversations with those one doesn’t know well, in the course of daily life. She recalled the early days of Covid quarantine, wherein her […]

Posted May 26, 2021 in Sacred Stories

Elephant Totem

Sacred Stories

She had experienced elephant as totem when she was first starting work as a clinical therapist.

Many years later, elephant energy popped into her mind one evening.

The next day a teacher/colleague (who was giving up formal office space) posted this on her Facebook wall: “Thought of you when […]

Posted May 25, 2021 in Sacred Stories

Poppies Three

Sacred Stories

She was walking to a neighbor’s home to drop off a couple of things, and pick up a couple of other things, when she met a friend whose sister now lives on her street.

She was wearing her garden shoes. “Poppies,” she said.

Looking down at the shoes, her […]

Posted May 2, 2021 in Sacred Stories


Sacred Stories

It was his birthday.

He had wanted to get a dog for so long but the landlord would not allow dogs where he lived.

So his mom went online and ordered him a little Ty puppy dog for his birthday.

When she received it, she opened the tag […]