Posted July 13, 2019 in Sacred Stories

A Blessed Visitor

Sacred Stories

They were traveling out of state when involved in an auto accident. She was taken by ambulance, leaving her husband behind at the scene.

He made a desperate call to their home church asking for prayers.

A member of the church who happened to hear the call had a relative in that town.


Posted July 7, 2019 in Debra’s Wellness Tips

Heart Bench

Debra’s Wellness Tips

I love yoga. I am not alone.

Yoga poses can address specific situations, like depression.

Ideal to eliminate depression are yoga poses that help to expand and open your rib cage. Using appropriate props enables you to rest and relax in the pose as you focus on your breath.

How: […]

Posted July 6, 2019 in Sacred Stories

Flood Cleanup

Sacred Stories

Fortunately it was at the end of the summer camping season when a church camp in Pennsylvania experienced pretty extensive flood damage.

The office was closed but the secretary had stopped briefly to pick up mail. She answered when the phone rang.

A volunteer organization out of Texas had heard […]

Posted June 29, 2019 in Sacred Stories

Raining Spoons

Sacred Stories

Today’s Sacred Story was published in the book: Today’s Gift. The author is anonymous.

“There were two women who shared a house and raised their daughters, two toddlers, together. Then one of the women got transferred to another city and moved with her daughter.

“Ten years later, they had a reunion. The mothers […]

Posted June 22, 2019 in Sacred Stories

Dorothy – It’s a Small World

Sacred Stories

He was on a boat ride with neighbors of the friends they were visiting in Florida. He was making polite conversation (small talk) with the wife.

He said to her, “I understand you are from Wisconsin. What part?”

She told him the town that they currently live in, and then she mentioned […]

Posted June 15, 2019 in Sacred Stories

Word for the Day

Sacred Stories

It was Christmas day. She had just finished reading Barbara Brodsky’s channeled message from Jeshua, when, not 30 seconds later, she opened this email:

What a perfect Christmas message! She smiled….

‘Word for the Day’ is free. Go to to sign up now.

These are sacred stories. Pay attention to […]

Posted June 8, 2019 in Sacred Stories

Healing Stone

Sacred Stories

She had been called by a colleague to assist him at the bedside of a patient who was passing.

She had been gifted a special healing stone that had come from John of God, a powerful healer in rural, central, Brazil.

She knew she wanted that healing stone with her. She […]

Posted June 1, 2019 in Sacred Stories

Hay Bale!

Sacred Stories

She was driving to a bridal shower in a nearby town when a hay bale fell off a farm truck, bounced off the vehicle directly in front of her, before bursting against her windshield!

Shredded pieces of hay were in her grill, under her hood, and jammed into every orifice along the […]

Posted May 25, 2019 in Sacred Stories

Angel in a Laundromat

Sacred Stories

After her young husband had died, almost 25 years earlier, she had sold their home. Preparing to leave, she looked back into their now empty living room. A folded piece of paper was lying in the middle of the floor.

She was feeling so lonely, broken, and lost.

She picked up […]

Posted May 18, 2019 in Sacred Stories

Surrogate Bubble

Sacred Stories

She was attending a workshop on the healing power of meditation. During an exercise, she was asked to place in an imaginary bubble something that she saw as a problem or a difficulty or an uncomfortable situation or experience. When the bubble popped, she had an immense feeling sensation of energy leaving her […]