Posted August 29, 2019 in Sacred Stories By Debra Basham Sacred Stories
The following story was submitted by a reader. When I asked her if she wanted the names to be used or changed, she responded, “Leave the names the same. I want people to lift up my Mom’s spirit!”
Sometimes I don’t catch subtlety, my Mom (who passed away 5 months ago) […]
Posted August 24, 2019 in Sacred Stories By Debra Basham Sacred Stories
She had just come home from the hospital following a knee replacement. Her daughter was staying with her.
She noticed her pill container for that day (Wednesday) was missing. She knew she had not taken any medication to the hospital with her.
They looked everywhere. Not finding the missing Wednesday container, […]
Posted August 17, 2019 in Sacred Stories By Debra Basham Sacred Stories
Her husband had recently passed. She was moving from their home into a condo.
Two STRONG men & a truck moved her furniture.
One of the pieces they moved for her was the antique Jenny Lind bed in the guestroom she had inherited from her granny.
When the movers picked up […]
Posted August 10, 2019 in Sacred Stories By Debra Basham Sacred Stories
They were traveling from Florida, where they had wintered, back to their Northern home. It was a stressful even for both of them, but even more so for her, given his physical limitations from the strokes. His wheelchair was where an aisle seat would normally be. She was seated next to […]
Posted August 3, 2019 in Sacred Stories By Debra Basham Sacred Stories
She and her sisters were together celebrating her birthday. As she opened one of the gifts, a pronounced whiff of perfume hung in the air.
“This was mom’s, wasn’t it?” she chided her sister. “You are giving me a re-gift!”
Their mother was famous for buying and wearing something and then […]
Posted July 28, 2019 in Debras Wellness Tips By Debra Basham Debra’s Wellness Tips
Over 2 million views of the story of Elizabeth Vargas life with alcohol abuse indicates we have a problem. On at least one occasion, she had a lethal blood alcohol level. That did not get her to stop drinking.
It is estimated that 88,000 people die from alcohol-related causes […]
Posted July 27, 2019 in Sacred Stories By Debra Basham Sacred Stories
She had just been asked to be part of a project for a spiritual group she was associated with. It was something she was capable of doing, so she sent a brief email reply that she was willing.
Getting up from her computer, walking across the room, she noticed a piece […]
Posted July 21, 2019 in Debras Wellness Tips By Debra Basham Debra’s Wellness Tips
Psychologist Alia Crum, principal investigator of Stanford’s Mind and Body Lab, looked at how mindset and social factors influence physical health.
In “Could Your Mindset Affect How Well a Treatment Works?” Crum says just feeling that you’re less fit than others could shave years off your life, and her 2014 […]
Posted July 20, 2019 in Sacred Stories By Debra Basham Sacred Stories
The group gathered each week for meditation. One particular day, a woman who lived in another area was visiting and also joined them.
At the conclusion of the meditation, she said, “I just kept seeing elephants…. Other animals, too, but lots of elephants.”
Finally one of the other women said, “Well, […]
Posted July 14, 2019 in Debras Wellness Tips By Debra Basham Debra’s Wellness Tips
Zig Ziglar was an American author, salesman, and motivational speaker. His specialty was attitude and positive thinking.
For our own sakes, it is important we take to heart when he said, “You will never perform consistently in any way other than how you believe you are.”
Ziglar WAS enthusiastic. Whether […]
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