Posted October 22, 2019 in Sacred Stories

Diabetes Education

She was experiencing stress with a diabetes diagnosis. How to eat? What to eat? What she had been doing was not working.

Sharing her frustration with a friend who had stopped by work to see her, the friend suggested she take a diabetes education program. The friend had attended a program with her husband […]

Posted October 22, 2019 in Sacred Stories

Happy Birthday Coffee

She was on a group text. It was her birthday. A friend who was also on the group text sent a message to the group telling them about the birthday.

Another member of the list wrote, “I remember having seen you at Tosi’s Cafe a few years ago on your birthday. You had a […]

Posted October 22, 2019 in Sacred Stories

Happy Birthday in Heaven

She received a text message from her friend who was sharing a Facebook prompt that their mutual friend was having a birthday today. Their friend had passed several years ago.

She wrote back, “I had not realized her birthday was the same day as my daughter but that must be why she came to […]

Posted October 22, 2019 in Sacred Stories

I Saw The Other Side

She works in hospice care. She had a gentleman patient with a type of blood cancer. She did a Reiki session.

He had never had or heard of Reiki. He was open to it.

In the beginning before she started he was very talkative and had high energy.

She did a subtle […]

Posted October 19, 2019 in Sacred Stories

How are you and Ed doing?

Sacred Stories

She had been thinking about her friend. The last message from her friend had come in on March 22. That message was about her friend’s husband having been hospitalized in ICU.

One month later, she received a message asking about a session for her friend’s daughter.

She wrote back, asking about […]

Posted October 16, 2019 in Sacred Stories

You Say

She had had yet another stressful interaction with her husband. Knowing she was not as skillful in her words as her whole being longed to be, she had a dream.

In the dream, she heard words of reassurance and comfort. She could not see whom the words were coming from, but in her heart […]

Posted October 15, 2019 in Sacred Stories

Healing Touch

The hospital she worked in as a nurse offered a 1-hour introduction to Healing Touch. The very next day after she attended the intro, a patient with brain cancer was having a lot of difficulty mitigating pain.

The family was doing massage, they were playing soft music in the room, they were doing calming […]

Posted October 14, 2019 in Sacred Stories

It Is Well

She arrived at retreat with the deep awareness of letting go of worry and control. She would have no email, text, or phone access while on retreat for the next seven days. Her daughter and son-in-love were leaving dock the following day. They would be working their way to the Gulf of Mexico, then on […]

Posted October 12, 2019 in Sacred Stories

2,500 Songs!

Sacred Stories

He wanted his mom to play his song.

Three Little Birds is an awesome memory and connection to his twin sister, who had lived 3 1/2 days.

His mom could not play the song for him, because she had taken the cord into the house to recharge her iPad, […]

Posted October 5, 2019 in Sacred Stories

Atlanta Angel

Sacred Stories

She had been out of state visiting her son and daughter-in-law and her new grandson.

Choosing to spare them having to drag the baby across town to escort her, she assured them she was capable of catching a bus and getting herself to the airport.

She set out. However, […]