Posted January 11, 2020 in Sacred Stories

Weather or Whether?

Sacred Stories

He had planned to travel out-of-state to attend the memorial service for his nephew. A couple of days prior to departure, at his sister’s urging, he made the decision to not travel because of a severe weather forecast.

Turns out there was another reason for that guidance….

He had severe […]

Posted January 7, 2020 in Sacred Stories

Hello Old Friend, Welcome New Friend

Sacred Stories

My husband and I were out enjoying our afternoon at a local winery. When we left there, he suggested we stop by a brewery on the way home. This brewery is not our typical, “let’s stop” place and we’ve never been there on a Sunday, but the day was a great […]

Posted January 7, 2020 in Sacred Stories

Spirit is Everlasting

Sacred Stories

Packing Christmas away she happened upon a photo of her husband. She had cut out and placed in the frame with the photo these words from Unity’s Daily Word on his birthday seven years after his transition:

“Physical forms are temporary. Spirit is everlasting. When your journey on Earth is […]

Posted December 30, 2019 in Sacred Stories

Timing is ALWAYS Perfect

Sacred Stories

They were traveling from Michigan to Florida. It was the second day of their travels.

Traffic was absolutely amazingly heavy!

The day’s drive took two hours longer than it “should have” taken.

However, the timing was once again Divine.

They were checking in and a man came to […]

Posted December 30, 2019 in Sacred Stories

Karaoke Connection

Sacred Stories

Her daughter was visiting for the holidays. They took her to a karaoke bar.

Another young woman was singing, and she had a great voice, too. They all began chatting.

The young woman and her family was from the same town up north where she grew up!

She sent a […]

Posted December 30, 2019 in Sacred Stories

It’s a Small World After All

Sacred Stories

She had planned to be in the U.S. Virgin Islands, but the winds of fate had her in Key West, Florida. That morning as she walked back to the boat, she stopped to chat.

Not every day you see a woman walking a lizard on a leash.

As is […]

Posted December 30, 2019 in Sacred Stories


Sacred Stories

“Truth” was the message in Aaron’s Daily Quote:

“Never be afraid of the truth. It can lead to painful situations but in the long run, it is your strongest ally. Ego may want to present the stories, how he or she did this or that to me. Let go of that; […]

Posted December 14, 2019 in Sacred Stories

Army/Navy Game

Sacred Stories

He was a member of West Point’s “Black Knights” Army Football team.

As a defensive end and fullback, his Army team beat Navy in 1966 and 1968, and tied them in 1965.

December 14, 2019, is the day of his funeral and the day of the Army/Navy game!


Posted December 12, 2019 in Sacred Stories

Twenty-eight Years-Sueño

Sacred Stories

The three couples were best friends. One of the guys passed away.

They all went to the Biscayne Bay for his memorial. Biscayne Bay is located on the Atlantic coast of South Florida, near Miami.

The boat they went out on to spread his ashes was named Sueño.

Twenty-eight […]

Posted December 12, 2019 in Sacred Stories

Father John

Sacred Stories

She was on retreat.

She put her hand up and the energy of Father John came in.

She says she doesn’t exactly know what happened, but a couple of months later when she had an echocardiogram the mitral regurgitation that was discovered in her 20’s was gone!

When she […]