Posted February 3, 2020 in Sacred Stories By Debra Basham Sacred Stories
They had incurred water damage to their home, but having elected to pay for more extensive replacement rather than simply repair, winter weather eventually had delayed the work.
Finally they received an estimate for the additional improvement. They were to pay 50% upfront.
Months had gone by without any contact […]
Posted February 3, 2020 in Sacred Stories By Debra Basham Sacred Stories
They are expecting their first baby at the end of the month.
A girl!
As they were falling asleep last night, an owl was hooting outside.
About 30 minutes later, she woke up and the owl was still hooting. That had never happened before.
Her thought, “OMG, […]
Posted January 29, 2020 in Sacred Stories By Debra Basham Sacred Stories
They inherited his mom’s house. Long after everything that belonged to her had been cleared out, a whiff of her perfume would hang in the air.
They would smile and thank her for stopping by for a visit.
Posted January 29, 2020 in Sacred Stories By Debra Basham Sacred Stories
After his “Mum” passed, he thought of her every time he saw a cardinal.
He remembered well the old folklore saying that, “When a cardinal appears in your yard, it’s a visitor from heaven.”
Other animals are recognized as messengers too.
Let me know if you have a […]
Posted January 29, 2020 in Sacred Stories By Debra Basham Sacred Stories
This was the first winter since her husband had passed. Although this winter, they would not be coming to Southwest Florida as snowbirds together, she traveled with some friends, and was staying with other friends.
Accompanying her friends, she was surprised that they had a cat named Walter. Walter was […]
Posted January 29, 2020 in Sacred Stories By Debra Basham Sacred Stories
She was having breakfast with some friends who had been visiting, enjoying the lovely January morning in South Florida.
They spoke deeply about their shared Peace Corps experience, of having served together in Togo—officially the Togolese Republic—one of the smallest countries in Africa.
Her friends were heading out to the […]
Posted January 19, 2020 in Sacred Stories By Debra Basham Sacred Stories
Following his mother’s death, the man who had been his “father” as he was growing up told him he was not his real father.
Soon, he was also told who his biological father was.
And he discovered that he had siblings!
Making contact with those folks, he learned […]
Posted January 19, 2020 in Sacred Stories By Debra Basham Sacred Stories
He was awakened from a deep sleep by a very loud screeching sound. He opened the front door and looked out.
An Eastern Screech Owl was perched on a branch, screeching!
Owls were messengers, telling of a death. He “knew” immediately his mother had died.
The following morning he […]
Posted January 16, 2020 in Sacred Stories By Debra Basham Sacred Stories
She went to get a hair cut. The salon was intimate, located in the breezeway of the hairdresser’s home. As she arrived for her appointment, the hairdresser introduced her to the previous client.
They discovered they lived in the same town.
“We live on a very oddly shaped street,” […]
Posted January 16, 2020 in Sacred Stories By Debra Basham Sacred Stories
She was sitting inside one of the top medical centers in the United States after a doctor’s appointment that had not gone as well as she would have liked. Nothing terribly serious—issues related to age and high blood pressure, etc.
She was thinking everything over: life, work, family, their recent move […]
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