Posted December 22, 2013 in Debra’s Wellness Tips


What are little boys made of?

What are little boys made of?

Slugs and snails

And puppy-dogs’ tails,

That’s what little boys are made of.

What are little girls made of?

What are little girls made of?

Sugar and spice

And everything nice,

That’s what little girls are made of.

Both boys and girls, and people of all sizes and ages, would do well to be made of less sugar and more spice. Especially at this time of year when for many of us, sugary treats are in abundance, it is good to have an understanding of the healing benefits of spices.

Any internet search will yield results for articles about specific benefits, but the list below is from 9 Spices for Health, Energy and Longevity! by Dr. Maoshing Ni (October 29, 2010).

Cinnamon  has been shown to lower blood sugar, detoxify the body, and stimulate brain function. It also has antiseptic properties, and a cup of strong cinnamon tea taken in the first 48 hours, might “nip a bladder infection in the bud.”

Ginger comes up on many lists, including my tip about it being natural relief for migraines.

Fennel seed soothes intestinal function.

Cumin  has been shown to reduce gas, aid digestion, and improve liver function.

Anise is considered a remedy for rheumatism.

Cloves can alleviate toothaches, soothe sore throats, stop diarrhea, and stomach cramps.

Garlic is a heart smart food that can lower cholesterol and lower blood pressure. It’s antibacterial properties is often used to treat minor infections.

Cardamon is ”considered an aphrodisiac in the Middle East, cardamom may also improve digestion, asthma, bronchitis, halitosis, and even help improve a bad mood.”

This week, be aware of the healthful sweetness tucked into the spices we eat every day. These are welcome benefits you can enjoy for years to come.

This week’s health tip originally appeared online at

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Tips from 5 April 2010 to 6 August 2012 are here: Archived Tips

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~Mother Teresa

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