Sacred Stories
Feeling a sense of self-judgment and doubt, she asked for guidance related to whether a spiritual group she was practicing with was right for her.
In Buddhism, the antidote to doubt is faith, an active willingness to suspend self-judgment and to see for yourself what is true.
“A Song for Someone” by U2 came on and the line in the lyrics she heard was:
There is a light you can’t always see!
She realized this was the answer!
If there is a light
You can’t always see
And there is a world
We can’t always be
If there is a dark
Now we shouldn’t doubt
And there is a light
Don’t let it go out
She could see the mind state of doubt for what it is. And she was willing to see for herself what is true.
And this is a song
A song for someone
This is a song
A song for someone