The skinny on weight loss is shifting. For one thing, counting calories is out.
We have known for some time that stress is a factor in enjoying your ideal weight. High-fat, high-sugar foods have also been seen as a factor. According to an article on stress-related weight gain, Dr. Dean Ornish, however, the amount of weight gain increased three-fold when a high-fat and high-sugar diet was given to mice who were also put under chronic stress.
Investigators reported that chronic emotional stress turns on a peptide (chemical messenger) called neuropeptide Y, which is found in body fat. This hormone increases appetite, especially for carbohydrate-rich foods. It also causes your body to convert these calories into belly fat, a double whammy.
What’s especially interesting is that chronic stress alone didn’t have much effect on weight gain in only two weeks, nor did a high-fat, high-sugar diet. However, combining both together was especially toxic and markedly increased abdominal fat deposits in only two weeks.
Now, the latest simple rules for weight loss suggest that you choose lower glycemic, higher protein foods, worry less about the fat levels of dairy intake, and balance your foods by eating meats with veggies rather than breads.
If you know all of this, but find yourself hungry for a healthier relationship with your body and food, you might want to check out Jessica Ortner’s weight-loss book based on Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT tapping). Jessica reminds us that body confidence is really self-confidence and genuine self-worth is seeing the divine in you. It is truly knowing that you are good enough, and that you are precious. As this precious being, you need to love and nurture and have respect for yourself.
She reminds us we all have different body shapes and different compositions for a purpose. “Nothing in creation is anything other than unique. Your body is doing so much for you, and you must treasure it, not compare it to any other and judge it as less than perfect just as it is.”
This week, begin to really treasure your physical body, and let me know if you are interested in receiving a free copy of instructions for tapping in to a healthy body concept and enjoying your ideal weight.
This health tip originally appeared online at
Skinny on Weight-loss/. Tips from 5 April 2010 to 6 August 2012 are here: Archived Tips
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Rev.Debra Basham
Voice or text: (269) 921-2217 Email: Small Changes … Infinite Results™
“If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.” |