Ugh, when do I have time to work out.
(I say before a 45 minute nap.)
No week designed for buying cards and flowers and honoring motherhood would be complete without addressing the importance of moms (and others) making time for regular exercise. Many women (and men) work long days then have even longer evenings and weekends packed with obligations.
I bumped into a word I had never seen before, but I love it. The word is RUNch. It is a contraction for “running lunch” and it is essentially about scheduling your workout time during your lunch period so you are sure to get it in.
“It is going to take a little bit of planning and some coordination, but not only can it be done, it’s often easier than you think,” says Mari Croze, a personal trainer at the Central Michigan State University Fitness Center.
For example, on days you plan to work out, make sure you’ve packed your gym bag with everything you need for the day, wear work clothes that make it easy for you to change, and bring a brown-bag lunch.
And don’t forget that lunch-hour workouts don’t have to take place at a gym. Bike riding, in-line skating, even walking to and from a restaurant can all count as a lunch-hour workout, Croze says. (See WebMD “The Lunch Hour Workout” by Colette Bouchez.)
Running may not be your thing. So walk, or do yoga.
This week, when you have 30 or 60 minutes, make those minutes matter.
Tips from 5 April 2010 to 6 August 2012 are here: Archived Tips
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Rev. Debra Basham
Voice or text: (269) 921-2217 Email: Small Changes … Infinite Results™
“If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.” ~ Mother Teresa |