She was facing surgery to remove an aggressive mass from her abdomen. Feeling a bit desperate, she sent off a quick email asking for help. She gave him her cell phone number as she was logging off and making the hour drive to work.
Moments later, he called, quickly giving her some suggestions. He asked her to call him late that evening.
His suggestions made an amazing difference!
He had more helpful information to share that evening. He kept in close touch with her over the next several weeks. His expert knowledge of integrative medicine, and his genuine caring for her, supported her through some incredibly frightening times.
She thought she had written to a medical doctor in Texas. His name was John. It was days into the process before she realized that her message had actually gone to another John! The person who knew just what she needed and was there to guide her every step of the way was also named John—a holistic dentist in Wisconsin.
However it had happened, the wrong John was the right John!