Sacred Stories
She was walking to a neighbor’s home to drop off a couple of things, and pick up a couple of other things, when she met a friend whose sister now lives on her street.
She was wearing her garden shoes. “Poppies,” she said.
Looking down at the shoes, her friend said, “I can see that.”

“I thought they were lips when I first saw them,” she admitted. They both laughed.
They easily completed her tasks together and she invited her friend in for a visit.
Poppies were obvious again in the glass painting hanging in her window. (See “Poppies”) She shared having met the artist when the artist’s husband was going through cancer:
“I had never met either of them, but a colleague hired me to go to the hospital to work with him. His wife (the artist) was there, seated in a recliner next to the bed. I introduced myself and began to work with him. He quickly went deeply in. I motioned to his wife to lean the recliner back and close her eyes.
I was still working with the wife when the husband opened his eyes and blurted out,” I swear to God you someone was holding my feet.”
Matching his cadence perfectly, I replied, “I swear to God, I never work alone.”
Her friend recently discovered metastasis of breast cancer. Suddenly she had the urge to gift her friend an extra set of Medicine Cards. When the friend opened the book she saw a bookmark by Marjolein Bastin.
On the front of the book mark were POPPIES and this message:
I love the way the poppy blooms only for a day so colorfully and so expressively.
The back of the bookmark was signed: from Sue Miller — made — her mom died October 6, 1995.
This is the “spiritual meaning” of poppies: Poppies are seen as a symbol of imagination, messages delivered in dreams, beauty, success, luxury, extravagance, and even peace in death.