Posted August 14, 2020 in Sacred Stories

Our “Tardiff”

Sacred Stories

She was sending a photo to a friend when the auto correct change “our yard” to our “Tardiff.” which just happens to be the last name of friends. He had passed away over ten years ago, and she had not seen his wife in quite a while.

She took a screen shot, and sent it to Mrs. Tardiff.

Mrs. Tardiff quickly wrote back:

    Interesting! Today I signed the papers for transfer of Title of the land (BOMARSH – wild Flowers) to our Amish next door neighbor. He has been taking care of the field for the last 12 years. I allow him to hunt on it. Now he is allowing my son to continue to hunt on it.

    It was what Bob wanted. If our neighbor didn’t want the land it was to be given to the land conservatives (but then no one could hunt on it). Bob didn’t want a McMansion built there.

    Sad, but happy day for me. The timing is a sign to me that it’s OK to move forward.

    Thanks, I really needed confirmation!

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