Something about what Dale Partridge has written goes right to the core. Life is too short to waste even one moment, much less a day, week, month, or years. I was pondering the truth of this, when a fun webpage titled “Develop a Can Do Attitude” caught my attention. It ties right in with this week’s message.
First, make a list of some things you would do if you were not afraid. Then set a timer for twenty minutes, take a piece of paper and a pen, and just write everything that comes to mind as a goal or a dream you have. Choose two or three items off your list to do within the next two weeks.
In 2008, at an NLP Group Seminar in Orlando, Florida, with John LaValle of Pure NLP, I was the demonstration subject for a powerful guided imagery exercise in which you are able to use future resources now.
Think about something you are definite about having wanted to do but haven’t, yet, been able to. This is something that you know you would be better off after you have been able to do it. Bring to mind who else will be better off for your having been able to do this thing. Choose something that you know will benefit others as well. Identify when you will have taken the appropriate action—maybe a day, a week, a month in the future…. Be realistic with the time when you will actually be doing this action. For this exercise, imagine that your past is behind you and your future is right out in front of you. Relax. Close your eyes and go inside. Here are the basic steps:
Pop your consciousness out of the present moment and send yourself into the future far enough to see yourself having done this thing that you know you will be better off for having done. You know others will benefit, too, from your having done it. (If you have someone to support you, they can have you physically take steps to move your body to stand in the “specific time” there in your mind’s eye.)
Now in that future time you are still facing into the future, and you are looking at yourself, there in the future, having done the things it took you to get there. While you continue to see yourself there in the future, imagine a blue laser light coming from way behind you, coming into the back of your head, coming through your head, and right out your forehead, down your timeline, and into the back of the head of that future you who has been able to do this thing that is important for you and for others. See this beam of blue laser light go through the head of the future you and on out into the future. This beam has no beginning and no end that you can see. Just coming from behind you, through you, out your forehead, down your timeline, and out the forehead of you there in the future having been able to do this thing that is so important to you and to others.
Pop your consciousness down into your body at that specific date—in the future—when you are doing the appropriate action and are enjoying having accomplished your goal and are doing this thing and getting the benefit for yourself and others. Let that future you click into you right now.
Now, with that future you still facing the future, and with that beam still shining, feel yourself begin to slowly step back along your timeline (with a helper, you can actually be moving your physical body), enjoying every step it took to get you there. As you continue to step all the way back to this moment, each step will be clear, how you got to where you are.
That’s right, take your time, you are able to enjoy each step…. Now, physically in the present moment you have all the attitudes, all the beliefs, all the resources you will have in the future are actually right here inside you right now.
Now, although people usually look at the world through their eyeballs, you are going to bring your consciousness just behind your eyeballs so that you are looking from just behind your eyes. Notice how that changes what you see. Richard Bandler says to remember…. At every moment every thing is every where in the universe. Your thinking had been all wrong. That is why you didn’t have it.
Now, before you open your eyes and return to full consciousness, place one of your hands on your upper abdomen, just above your naval . Allow the energy to make all of the adjustments necessary for you to be successful in you’re doing this thing that benefits you and others.
Remember that these changes, once begun, will continue automatically, the rest of today, tonight—even while you sleep and dream—tomorrow, and every day for the rest of your life. Remembering who you are, and what you came to be. When you open your eyes, you (your best self) will return to full consciousness, feeling so much better than before. You will be wide awake and totally aware.
This week, begin really living life fully. This is not a rehearsal. It’s your life. Take the risks that allow good things to come to you and to the others in your world. We are talking about your living from wisdom! Remember what Henry Ford said, “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t—you’re right.”
Tips from 5 April 2010 to 6 August 2012 are here: Archived Tips
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Rev. Debra Basham
Voice or text: (269) 921-2217 Email: Small Changes … Infinite Results™
“If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.” ~ Mother Teresa |