While people on the planet celebrate New Years different days, here in North America we celebrate on the first day of January. Humans have been celebrating the start of the new year for at least four millennia. Ancient Babylonians held their festival on the first new moon following the vernal equinox.
New Years is a perfect time to bring ritual into our lives. “Rituals set apart a time and place to celebrate our right to profound, cathartic emotion, emotion that is hard to express in the dynamics of daily living. Feeling these emotions allows us to let go and move on.” – Ingrid Bacci, Ph.D., The Art of Effortless Living (2000)
Rituals can be very simple, yet effective. Take some time to reflect on what you are letting go of. Habits? Attitudes? Behaviors? Memories? Imagine placing these symbolically in a bubble, and watch the bubble burst in your mind’s eye. Or write your letting go list, then burn it and toss the ashes outdoors or flush them down the toilet.
Reflect on what you know is worthy of being held on to. Are there dreams you hope will come true? Can you see your family, friends, co-workers, or humankind living their dreams? Put these hopes and dreams in a hot air balloon and watch it lift off. Or write these hopes and dreams on a note card and put them in a sacred book or on your personal altar or in your purse or wallet.
A while back, I recall finding a New Years intention I had written a few years prior that said simply, “I want a job where I can wear nice clothing and have long fingernails.” I looked down at my hands and was astounded!
This week be intentional about what you are holding on to and what you are letting go. Who knows what wonders you can look back and see having put into place. Happy New Year!
Tips from 5 April 2010 to 6 August 2012 are here: Archived Tips
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Rev. Debra Basham
Voice or text: (269) 921-2217 Email: debra@scs-matters.com http://DebraBasham.com http://ImagineHealing.info http://SurgicalSupport.info Small Changes … Infinite Results™
“If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.” ~ Mother Teresa |