“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing,” Viktor Frankl, a prominent Jewish psychiatrist and neurologist in Vienna, wrote in Man’s Search for Meaning, “the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.”
Frankl was arrested and transported to a Nazi concentration camp with his wife and parents. Three years later, when his camp was liberated, most of his family, including his pregnant wife, had perished.
You can appreciate reading this powerful article about Frankl: There’s More to Life than Being Happy.
How does your life change when you understand (on all levels) there is more to life than being happy? Life is not just the circumstances that you are currently navigating, is it? It may just be that life’s real meaning has nothing at all to do with what’s happening on the social plane. The true value resides on the inner plane.
Recently I heard this question: Are you a creator or a recreator? Goodness, such a difference! Becoming whole and recognizing there’s more to life than being happy is certainly not a journey. It is a discovery.
This week, recreate your sense of the meaning of life. Let the minutia go and choose an attitude based on the true values of the inner plane. Choose to live from this space. Invite others to do the same. This is the last of the human freedoms!
Tips from 5 April 2010 to 6 August 2012 are here: Archived Tips
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Rev.Debra Basham
Voice or text: (269) 921-2217 Email: debra@scs-matters.com https://scs-matters.com http://ImagineHealing.info http://SurgicalSupport.info Small Changes … Infinite Results™
“If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.” ~ Mother Teresa |