Posted July 11, 2024 in Sacred Stories

Missing Metformin

It was odd that he would doze off while they watched a bit of TV after dinner. He had done that a lot before being diagnosed with and treated for sleep apnea — but not since he had begun using a CPAP. He was faithful using it every night and even for his afternoon naps.

This dozing had been happening for a few days. She thought back over the dinner menu, wondering if it been too heavy on carbs as he was also being treated for Type 2 diabetes.

Saying softly, “You are dozing off again,” resulted in an emotional reaction. He was normally mind-mannered, so she stayed calm as she told him that reaction, too, might indicate something was going on. She suggested he test his glucose level to see and it was a little high but not alarming.

During the dozing after dinner the previous evening they had considered having him take the Metformin with dinner rather than at bedtime with the rest of his medications and supplements. He got the bottle of Metformin out of the medicine cabinet to identify it in his PM dose but there was not one in the cup. Checking the two-week medication dispenser he discovered there was no Metformin in the following week either.

How could they have missed the Metformin when they filled his two-week supply? As a precaution, they fill his meds together….

They were both so thankful her “nagging” sense had led them to discover the missing Metformin.

Note* One of the ways to harness intuition is to notice some of the signals of intuition. Signals are emotions like fear and anxiety, but also physical sensations—like feeling tense and persistent thoughts, dreams, and suspicions.

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