Her sister and brother-in-love had been planning a move from their hometown to the upper peninsula of Michigan, where their youngest grandchildren were. She wanted her sister to be where she needed to be, but to be honest, in her heart a move to Marquette for them felt like loss. Significant relief came when they had decided to stay in the area, but sell their current home and move into something else.
“We just found a duplex to rent. It has a basement!” her sister’s text read. “What a story to tell. Call me when you can.”
They were in the car driving to a jam session so she she called her sister right then.
The duplex was on Marquette Woods Road, very near her! And close to everything…. She heard her brother-in-law say in the background, “We thought we were going to be moving to Marquette, and I guess in a way we are!”
Directly across from her at the jam session was a musician wearing a hat with one word on it: Marquette.

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” ~ Jeremiah 29:11