I knew I was going to work it in to a wellness tip when I saw this thought for the day from the Brahma Kumaris, “Don’t worry if someone doesn’t like you. In fact, most people are struggling to like themselves.”
We are all in need of more genuine self-liking.
Matt Kahn, author of Whatever Arises, Love That, says when we make a mistake or behave poorly, we need more love not less. When we are not at our best, we need more of the best.
Self-liking is not self centered. Quite the opposite. Genuine kindness toward the self radiates out into the world. It is an inner attitude that has outer ramifications.
Self-love means finding peace within ourselves — resting comfortably within the depths of our being. We might find temporary respite by doing something to nurture ourselves. But a deeper inner peace requires cultivating a certain way of being with ourselves — a warm and nurturing attitude toward what we experience inside. (From Psychology Today, What it Really Means to Love Yourself)
Make a list of qualities you appreciate in yourself. Start right at the basics, and give yourself credit for the things you would appreciate in another.
I appreciate my desire to do well.
I appreciate my height. I can reach things on the top shelves of our cupboards.
I appreciate my courtesy when driving.
I appreciate my willingness to forgive myself.
I appreciate that I can learn.
I appreciate my sincere appreciation!
That’s a good start…
This week, let’s all take a lesson from Jessica’s Daily Affirmation. I never get tired of seeing her enthusiastic little being in the act of genuine self-liking. We can learn a lot from her! .
Tips from 5 April 2010 to 6 August 2012 are here: Archived Tips
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Rev. Debra Basham
Voice or text: (269) 921-2217 Email: debra@scs-matters.com https://scs-matters.com http://ImagineHealing.info http://SurgicalSupport.info Small Changes … Infinite Results™
“If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.” ~ Mother Teresa |