Posted July 14, 2013 in Debra’s Wellness Tips

It's About Time

You can observe nature and realize that animals have a sense of time, too. Dairy cows know when it is “time” to be milked. Your cats know what “time” you usually feed them. Your dogs know your usual “time” for your walk. The relationship humans have with time seems to be unique. Think for a few moments  about some of the popular sayings about time:

  1. A stitch in time saves nine.
  2. There is no time like the present.
  3. You are just killing time.
  4. Time will tell.
  5. Time waits for no man.
  6. You are running out of time.
  7. You are wasting time.
  8. Time is money.
  9. The time is right.

Time does more than just appear to move more slowly or more quickly. Science proves that this is because of the relationship of space to time. Two identical atomic clocks were placed at the bottom and the top of a water tower. As suspected, the one at the top ran more slightly quickly than the one at the bottom. Einstein called this phenomenon time dilation. Scientists also sent an atomic clock out into orbit. It returned to Earth having run much slower than grounded atomic clocks.


For those who are really interested in the way the brain processes time, check out David M. Eagleman’s article Brain Time. I recently saw the following cute little writing about time on a daily reminder from a meditation source I follow:

It’s slow when I wait.
It’s fast when I’m late.
It’s long when I am sad.
It’s short when I am happy.
Isn’t it obvious how time is only determined
by my mental condition and not by the clock?

It’s time to become the master of time rather than its slave,
free as a bird rather than a jailbird.

This week, for sure, it’s about time to clear up our habit patterns that have created stress. Remember that time is both relative—based on the current conditions—and, simultaneously eternal and unlimited.  Get into the habit of becoming more aware of your breathing in and out. That alone will lower your stress. As the poem says, “It’s time to become the master of time rather than its slave, free as a bird rather than a jailbird.”

Small Changes … Infinite Results™

“If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.” 
~Mother Teresa

Tips from 5 April 2010 to 6 August 2012 are here: Archived Tips


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