After she had her pet bunny put down, another bunny Mom sent her a gardenia plant in honor of her girl’s sweet life. She decided to take the plant on her road trip to her brother’s home in Washington state for Christmas.
The day after Christmas, she and her brother spent the entire day with family near the Canadian border. As they were beginning the two-hour drive back to his house, something prompted her to tell him she was traveling with a plant (he hadn’t seen it yet).
“By the way,” she said, “I am traveling with a plant.”
“We have to go back,” he responded. “I left my cellphone at their house.”
He told her when she said the word “plant” he remembered a plant he had admired earlier on a window sill. Then he remembered he had set his phone next to it. He told her he would have arrived home without his phone if she had not followed her inner guidance.
These are sacred stories. Pay attention to happenings in your life. Do you have a story to share? Send email to