Posted March 2, 2014 in Debra’s Wellness Tips

Immune Boosters

If a thing isn’t worth saying, you sing it.

Pierre Beaumarchais, The Barber of Seville

While spring is sure to come eventually, it has been a time of low light for much of North America. The sustained lack of sunshine means for most of us, this is a very important time to boost your immune system so you can stay healthy during the tail of the cold and flu season. You do not have to do all of these every day, but find a few items from the list below. Choose ones that are easy for you that you enjoy. How does it get any better than this!


A healthy gut is your best level of immune defense so enjoy foods that are loaded with good bacteria: yogurt, sauerkraut, and sourdough bread are a few.


Foods high in soluble fibers (onions, artichokes, and bananas) help probiotics work better. Think of probiotics and prebiotics working together like breathing in and breathing out.


The internet makes it easy to bring laughter into your day: put baby laughing in as a key-word search, watch old sitcoms online, download a funny movie, or read a few chapters in a humorous book before bedtime.


Oldies, sacred music, or just toning vowels—singing works even if you are off key!


It is not necessary to be a body builder to get the immune boost from exercise. A walk around the block, a ride to the corner store, some dancing in your living room all raise your body’s immune defenses.


Sleep is not something you get caught up on, rest is more cumulative like the benefits of regular exercise. With a good level of fitness, you can miss a workout without losing much benefit. Make it a priority to be well-rested.


Meditation, massage, soaking baths, silence, nature, aromatherapy, crafts… many wonderful opportunities for relaxation are available to us every day. Even choosing favorite mundane work objects (a purple pen, a blue note pad) can improve your immune function because they produce relaxation.

Freedom from Pain coverThis week, be conscious of all the ways you can boost your immune system by bringing more enjoyment and well-being into your life. Invite someone else to join you—social connection also has a health benefit!

This week’s health tip originally appeared online at

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Tips from 5 April 2010 to 6 August 2012 are here: Archived Tips

Small Changes … Infinite Results™

“If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.” 
~Mother Teresa

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