It was rainy, cold, and dark—exactly how she felt—when she saw the deflated helium balloon on the ground in the park. Her heart was filled with grief and disdain as she grabbed the trash and tossed it into the back seat of her car. She had made the long (out-of-state) trip back to the town where her husband had died one year earlier. What had she hoped to gain?
Feeling totally alone, she drove toward home. She was startled by a noise in the back seat and, looking in the rear view mirror, near terrified as she saw a shadowy image behind her. Then she realized what it was; the balloon had been inflated by the warmth of the car heater.

Eeyore is a character in the Winnie-the-Pooh books by A. A. Milne. He is generally characterized as pessimistic, gloomy, and depressed. She knew her husband was there with her. She had not been abandoned. None of us ever are….