Posted December 15, 2013 in Debra’s Wellness Tips

Hidden Resources

Every now and then, something comes along that seems almost too good to be true. This makes me think of how often folks come to me for hypnosis to curb cravings and be able to enjoy their ideal weight. The amazing fact is some folks are now using hypnosis to create a mind-over-matter-effect and have the person get the results of fake gastric bypass surgery!

What is really wonderful about this, is how it shows you clearly all the hidden resources you have in your unconscious mind for every area of your life.

I recently worked with a woman who was having a very painful situation with her family of origin. Although long grown, she had recently become so embroiled with a family drama that—in spite seeing a psychiatrist and taking drugs—she had not been able to manage her emotions and find peace of mind. In just a short phone conversation, she was able to follow my suggestions and she instantly felt the relief!

The “secret” to these transformations is how your brain structures your thoughts and feelings inside your own head. In neurolinguistic programming (NLP) the word submodalities is used to describe that process, and changing these internal representations results in your making very different choices. (See: “Submodalities” and “States”)

Think about something you have considered a problem, notice the way you would describe the feelings related to the thoughts. Does it feel like you are skating on thin ice? Do you think you are up against a steel wall? Rather than try to change the outer circumstances, as though you were watching a movie with a happy ending, imagine the changes that change everything. A steel wall is still made up of atoms and is mostly space. Put your finger up against that wall in your mind and feel the space opening up.  Let me know if you are interested in learning more about this.

This week, whatever situations come your way, take a moment to go inside your mind (remember the story about the fake gastric bypass surgery), and you will discover the unlimited resources hidden there.

   This week’s health tip originally appeared online at

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Small Changes … Infinite Results™

“If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.” 
~Mother Teresa

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