Posted October 15, 2019 in Sacred Stories

Healing Touch

The hospital she worked in as a nurse offered a 1-hour introduction to Healing Touch. The very next day after she attended the intro, a patient with brain cancer was having a lot of difficulty mitigating pain.

The family was doing massage, they were playing soft music in the room, they were doing calming touching, and speaking lovingly. Nothing was helping.

She kept calling the doctor, asking for more pain medication for the patient, although the increases offered no relief.

Finally, the doctor said he could not increase the dosage any more.

Speaking to the patient, she explained that while they could not administer any additional medication, if the patient was open, she would do some Healing Touch.

She prayed. She knew so little. She hoped it would help.

It was as though she was in an altered state. Her hands got hot. She was almost out-of-body. She only did it for about five minutes.

She stopped and then opened her eyes. Her brow was sweaty and her hair was damp.

As she regained her focus, a family member gasped.

The patient was peacefully sleeping….

(Debra is certified in Healing Touch. Janet Mentgen, the nurse who developed the Healing Touch training program would tell her students, “Just do the work.”)

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