Shortly after she posted the Sacred Story “Screwdriver” she mentioned the story to some friends she was on a Zoom call with.
One of the participants on Zoom unmuted and said, “After my husband passed I would occasionally find Cheerios in places that I know no one had been or spaces that had obviously been cleaned many times since he had actually been there to have them. I knew it was his way of letting me know he was still with me. It sounds to me like you had a visit from a handyman.”
Between the posting of the “Screwdriver” Sacred Story and logging onto the Zoom meeting she and another friend had been on a call with a dear friend who was navigating a very challenging situation with a neighbor. The neighbor had cognitive loss with no family support.
The neighbor’s situation was triggering deep pain. The stress of not being able to really do what the neighbor needed to be done was causing her to experience some heart symptoms. Her own family was concerned about her and telling her she needed to step away from the neighbor’s situation. She was feeling helpless and hopeless about her neighbor being all alone!
This friend had an especially raw spot for her neighbor’s situation because this friend had undergone her own husband’s Alzheimer’s disease…. and he had been a handyman!!!!
Wow. The name of the friend’s husband’s business had been House Calls. It was immediately known who this “handyman” that had paid a visit was!
“I will never leave you nor forsake you” is a Bible verse that appears in Hebrews 13:5 and Deuteronomy 31:6. It’s a promise!