Posted April 7, 2018 in Sacred Stories

Foot Healed!

Sacred Stories

After returning home from a beautiful afternoon of cross-country skiing with a friend, she noticed her right foot was becoming stiff and sore. As she hobbled out to the kitchen to get a bag of frozen peas, placing it on the top of her foot the weight was painful. The pain started to move up the front of her leg so she decided to soak her foot in cold water.

Sitting quietly on the couch she realized she has all the tools/skills to heal her foot. She removed her foot from the cold water placing both of her hands around her foot, she began connecting to that innate healing intelligence we all have.

Visualizing her foot dissipating any pain and swelling, she felt herself restoring her entire body to health and wholeness.

Still unable to put any weight on her foot, she hobbled into bed, however, she set an intention for her foot to completely heal during the night while she slept.

The next morning when she got up, she had no pain and no swelling in her foot. She was able to walk normally….

These are sacred stories. Pay attention to happenings in your life. We all have an innate healing intelligence. Do you have a story to share? Send email to

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