Posted March 21, 2020 in Sacred Stories

Flowers 50% Off

Sacred Stories

This “Sacred Story” is shared with permission from Facebook:

Yesterday upon entering the grocery store, I was left speechless as my eyes took in the barren shelves of produce. Not one tomato, not one onion, not one…a lot of things! Granted, my first choice was to retreat to a place of ‘panic’, something we have all recently been faced with choosing or not.

I was amazed as out of the corner of my eye I saw a huge display of beautiful flowers with a huge sign that read; “FLOWERS 50% OFF!”

I ran to the display and chose the flowers you see here.

As I have traditionally given my husband at least one bouquet of flowers each week since we met over 5 years ago…my decision to buy was automatic and quite healing to say the least.

The moment I presented my husband with these flowers and he flew into my arms and simply hugged my fears away…I knew! I knew that my lesson/message from whatever is controlling this universe was this; “What we choose to see, is what we choose to live with!”

Keep seeking love in all things during these troubling times…if you seek love, you will find love.

Remain safe all, and remain within LOVE!

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