Posted September 1, 2013 in What's New

Fall into September

September is the month where autumn begins for those of us living in the Northern hemisphere. That usually means kids (and teachers) are back in school, and the routine associated with the school year begins in earnest. Fall sports, the last of harvests, and the first of kicking on the furnace are all hallmarks of September.

Did you know that in Latin septem means seventh? September was the seventh month of the Roman calendar, that is until the first month changed from March to January way back in 46 BC.

Think about how easily a change like that can be made and then accepted as the way things have always been.

If you take a few moments to think about some changes you would like to see in your life, what comes to mind? Do you think about better health, more happiness, greater wealth? Think about something you are definite about having wanted to do but haven’t yet—something that you know you would be better off after you have been able to do—something that you know will benefit others as well.

Using Future Resources NOW is an exercise based on what John LaValle did at an NLP training in Orlando in 2007, for which Debra was the demonstration subject. The exercise is one of those included in Debra’s book, Falling Together in Love: Stories From My Heart for and about YOU. The wonderful illustrations and layout of the book were done by by Patty Reddy. Stories is available here on our products page, and it is also now available from Water Lily Press, along with wonderful books by Mary Jo Bulbrook. We hope to soon have it available on as well.


This month, take some time to be very intentional about those positive changes you do want to make in the world. We may never have to adjust again to changes as drastic as changing the numbers of the months of the year. We can enjoy being a conscious co-creator of a wonderful world filled with respect, kindness, wisdom, and love.

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