Sacred Stories
Posted by a Florida snowbird:
We only rent here in Florida, but we vowed eight years ago to treat it as if it is our own.
But—when it comes to the plants—I never felt like it was my job to prune someone else’s flowers. (Our owners living right next door might have something to do with it.)
This year, our owners came in late. I couldn’t stand the haphazard, scraggly growth I saw, so I really pruned before the owners arrived.
Three months later, the flowers are larger, more beautiful, than I have seen before.
I feel like this season that we are in (and I am convinced that it is just a season) is pruning away the unproductive, useless, less-than-beautiful areas of our lives, that we might blossom into caring, giving, loving people like never before…
I want to be that people!!!