She had driven out-of-state to attend the seminar.
Settling into their seats, waiting for the seminar to begin, she told her companion, “Last night I had a dream that we got here and there were people here we knew. In the dream, I thought it was actual people we knew, but when I woke up I realized it was that, in reality, we know everyone at the soul level.”
The woman seated directly in front of her turned around and said, “I had the same dream!”
“Where are you from?” they both asked. They were from the same state, about thirty minutes away from one another. They soon discovered they knew several people in common.
The seminar began.
After the break, returning to their seats, seeing faces more clearly, her companion realized they had previously met!
From Patricia Cota-Robles’ website, the words about the seminar seem significant, too:
We are in the midst of a monumental Awakening that is taking place within the heart and mind of every man, woman, and child on Earth. This is true whether a person is consciously aware of it or not.