Posted September 26, 2015 in Sacred Stories

Dreamed of Grandma

A woman who works as a healer using energy medicine received a call from her adult son. He and his children were driving from their home to hers (a significant distance several states away).

“I am not sure if I should turn around and head back home,” he said. His daughter had been sick, forcing them to stop a couple of times already. He wanted to attend the 80th birthday celebration for his uncle and see his mother, but he was not sure that was best for his daughter.

Asking permission, his mother said, “Would you like for me to do some distant healing with her as you drive, and see how she does?” He agreed.

As the woman began doing the healing work, her granddaughter fell asleep. When she woke up, she was feeling better, and they were able to continue to the family event.

Her words upon waking were simply, “I dreamed that Grandma was doing healing work on me.”

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