Posted February 24, 2018 in Sacred Stories

Dinner is Here!

Sacred Stories

A missionary was serving in a third-world country. He and his family had very little in the way of provisions, living in the mission with about a dozen others.

One day there was absolutely no food for any of them but the missionary kept saying, “God will provide.” When it was mealtime, they gathered around the table set with dishes and utensils, but they had no food.

The missionary started to pray, thanking the Lord for the food and for their day.

As he finished the prayer, someone knocked at their door. It was two women saying they were very sorry for being late and asking if they had already eaten. The missionary smiled and said, “Well, not yet!”

The women came in, delivered a wonderful meal, telling how early that morning the Lord told them to cook for that family and they were sorry for being late because they has missed the bus!

These are sacred stories. Pay attention to happenings in your life. Do you have a story to share? Send email to

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