Posted May 4, 2023 in Sacred Stories By Debra Basham Ferdinand was born in April, 1906. His father bought a beautiful mantel clock to celebrate the birth of his first child. This clock took place of honor in the family home, unobtrusively marking the hours. It followed Ferdinand to his marriage home where the clock continued to serve the household.
Our Dad, Ferdinand, was […]
Posted May 3, 2023 in Sacred Stories By Debra Basham Her mother was elderly, in a care facility, and not enjoying quality of life. She knew her mother was experiencing a lot of fear of dying.
One morning when she went to visit her mother, her mother told her a woman doctor in a floral dress had come the previous evening and sat with her […]
Posted May 2, 2023 in Sacred Stories By Debra Basham At the end of their Zoom online meditation, the meditation host shared a rich experience she had while on retreat the previous week. It started with an annoying beep from the smoke detector that was not corrected by the facility maintenance crew. After a few days it was resolved, but the distraction had allowed a […]
Posted April 21, 2023 in Sacred Stories By Debra Basham When their friend stopped at their house for her husband to check out the friend’s computer, the friend was in a surprisingly jovial mood.
“I learned something new,” he told her.
“Oh, yeah, what did you learn?” she quipped back.
“Horses have frogs.”
She laughed and told him he was absolutely […]
Posted April 21, 2023 in Sacred Stories By Debra Basham Opening Quotation by Julie Clapp
“When you believe beyond what your eyes can see signs from heaven show up to remind you love never dies.”
Blue Feather by Barbara Darling
After his untimely death at age 40 in 2009, Barbara’s son made himself known, comforting his sister and his dad. “Why not me?” […]
Posted April 19, 2023 in Sacred Stories By Debra Basham Early one morning I received a text message asking what manual the method for removing phobias such as fear of spiders was in. “Healing with Language, starting on page 236,” I wrote and then continued, “I also like to share the totem meaning afterwards. I was HORRIFICALLY afraid of spider. Look at the totem meaning!”
Posted April 14, 2023 in Sacred Stories By Debra Basham The conversation about traveling to Japan started decades ago when his best friend for over fifty years asked him to accompany him to Japan. He had always said no, but as the years went by it became evident that the challenges of getting older would limit their ability to travel the world, and the chance […]
Posted March 22, 2023 in Sacred Stories By Debra Basham Texting with a close friend early one morning as she started her busy day, her friend sent the day’s “Daily Reflection” from Deep Spring Center for Meditation:
Consciously envision peace. Spend at least a few minutes every day envisioning what this world could look like in a very detailed way if beings were able to […]
Posted February 28, 2023 in Sacred Stories By Debra Basham During a Facetime call they were talking about words and language and the wold entourage came up. “It does not just mean the supportive people around you, it means also the surroundings that support you,” her friend read from the definition.
Then her friend said, “JP is coming through again.” This reference was to her […]
Posted February 26, 2023 in Sacred Stories By Debra Basham She was navigating what is sometimes called ‘adult orphan syndrome’ or ‘double parental bereavement’ or ‘double parental loss’ PLUS she and her husband moved from the Midwest to the Northwest soon after her mom had passed so she was terribly missing her siblings as well.
Spending a few days in Florida with her snowbird sister […]
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