Posted August 15, 2012 in Language Tips By Joel and Debra Unless you are reading, language is not a “stand-alone” form of communication. It occurs in a context that includes nonverbal components. The most frequently cited study [Mehrabian and Ferris’ 1967 article in the Journal of Consulting Psychology, 31:3, pp. 248-252] concluded that meaning was determined primarily by nonverbal components:
Physiology and appearance — 55 percent […]
Posted August 11, 2012 in Language Tips By Joel and Debra English has two forms of voice: active and passive. In “active voice” sentences, the subject of the sentence performs the action designated by the sentence. In “passive voice,” the subject of the sentence receives the action of the verb:
Active Voice: I threw the ball. Passive Voice: The ball was thrown by me.
Posted August 10, 2012 in Language Tips By Joel and Debra Have you ever wondered about questions? One of the most important things about questions is that they direct a person’s attention. Further, they can do so in a nonthreatening way. In the Sates, we are moving into the “hot and heavy” political season, and you will have ample opportunity to witness both the skillful and […]
Posted July 31, 2012 in Language Tips By Joel Bowman I see what you mean. I hear you. I catch your drift.
People, including your friends, relatives, and clients or patients, use sense-based language to communicate. Matching another person’s use of sense-based language is an important part of rapport (July 20, 2012, ICIM: Your Between Conference Connection language tip). Those who need to see […]
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