The brain is a world consisting of a number of unexplored continents
and great stretches of unknown territory.
One of the most remarkable news reports was about the results of fake knee surgery. Don’t you find it rather amazing to know that patients who “thought” they had surgery, recovered and reported that they experienced less pain? We have probably not yet recognized the resources in the human brain.
The cover story of the February 2014 issue of National Geographic Magazine is “The New Science of the Brain.” While scientists know a lot about the human brain, they admit there is a lot more to learn.
The article describes the procedure (drilling a hole the size of a poker chip in her skull and inserting a sensor) that used Cathy Hutchinson’s brain signals to activate a robotic arm (connected to a computer) so she could reach out and pick up a cup and bring it to her lips. Cathy had been paralyzed by a stroke.
Dr. John Donoghue, a neuroscientist at Brown University wanted to find a way to help people with paralysis. He did that for Cathy. Medicine and science and technology is all advancing at exponential speeds. One of the most important facts for us to be aware of is we have that brain capacity to bring about greatness at this moment. Our unlimited capacity is not sometime in the distant or even near future, but right now.
I have been participating in an online World Tapping Summit. Some amazing experts in the field of human potential movement shared their skills and tips for using tapping on points in the face and body to help individuals overcome emotional limitations (from trauma, beliefs, accidents, injuries) to be able to achieve what many consider to be impossible.
I was deeply touched by Dr. Lori Leyden, who has worked with the orphans in Rowanda, teaching those young people to help themselves and one another using the tapping techniques. Dr. Leyden shared that after the terrible tragedy at Sandy Hook in Newtown, Connecticut, one of the Rowandan youth (Betty) assisted a 12-year old boy (JT) whose younger brother had died in that shooting. They met using technology: Skype! JT experienced such relief, he was inspired and raised enough money to send Betty to university!
This week, be aware of the miraculous power of your brain. Let yourself be inspired to greatness so technology can serve humankind in not-yet-dreamed-of possibilities.
This week’s health tip originally appeared online at
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Tips from 5 April 2010 to 6 August 2012 are here: Archived Tips
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Rev.Debra Basham
Voice: (269) 921-2217 Email: Small Changes … Infinite Results™
“If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.” ~ |