Posted September 10, 2016 in Sacred Stories


Sacred Stories

Coming into the waiting room to see her client out of the building, she discovered a woman looking around.

“May I help you?” she inquired of the woman.

The woman responded, “I thought you had a book store here. I am looking for a book about preparing for surgery.”

“Oh, we don’t have a book store any more, but I am the one who is trained in that program. I have written an e-book called Imagine Healing.”

cover Imagine Healing e-book

“I am glad to work with you,” she continued.

“It is not for me, it is for my daughter.”

Assuring the woman she would be willing to work with the daughter, the woman replied. “She does not live here. She lives in Boston.”

Her response to that? “I am flying to Boston tomorrow!”

Synchronicity was first explained by psychiatrist Carl Jung. It is the wonderful feeling of knowing you are in the right place at the right time.

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