By Joel Bowman, on April 22nd, 2012% “Mesotherapy” may be a new word to you. It was new to me until recently. I will explain, but first a little history: Debra and I were scheduled to speak at the March 2012 ICIM conference in Lexington, Kentucky. In the process of preconference email discussions with Dr. William Faber, the doctor who had invited Debra and me to speak, I asked whether osteopaths had a way of addressing impaired hearing, which has been a concern of mine for the past few years. (You can download an ebook version of Dr. Faber’s book, The Osteopathic Medicine Advantage: How Medical Miracles . . . → Read More: Adventures in Mesotherapy
By Joel Bowman, on July 4th, 2011% It has been almost a month since my last blog entry. I have been busy with radio interviews, a visit to see my grandchildren, working on the SCS and ImagineHealing websites, preparing the July Beyond Mastery Newsletter, and planning for two major presentations with my co-author, Debra Basham, at the Healing Touch Program Annual Conference in San Antonio, Texas, this next August. Within the last month or two, I read a column by a “behavioral scientist” who, among other things, said that “we are what we are doing.” At the time it struck me (recall my previous blogs on metaphors) . . . → Read More: You Are What You Are Doing