By Joel Bowman, on April 17th, 2013 Does it really serve a purpose to suppress the truth? I’m not concerned about the “little stuff,” such as who flirted with whom at the office party or how the rear fender of the family car was damaged. My concern is with the “big stuff,” things that influence everyone.
You may recall, for example, that in the sixteenth century, Galileo found himself in hot water with the Catholic Church for supporting Copernicus’ theory that the earth was round and was orbiting around the sun. The Catholic Church attempted to suppress the truth, but one of the things about important truths . . . → Read More: Knowing the Truth
By Joel Bowman, on March 15th, 2013 Mitt Romney’s “47 percent” comments have become a well-known example of how a person’s mouth can get him or her into trouble, especially in these days of cell-phone video and YouTube. The moral of the story is that people (you, me, and Mitt Romney) need to be aware that the demarcation between “private” and “public” has become increasingly fuzzy.
Even when people are being careful with their language and know that others will hear or read what they say, choice of words and manner of delivery may say more than was intended. In a recent column in the New . . . → Read More: What You Say Is What You Mean
By Joel Bowman, on February 1st, 2013 In some ways this blog entry ties back to my previous posts on Choice Points: “Forks in the Road” and Evidence Procedures. One of the things I have been noticing about recent political debates is how often people, and perhaps especially politicians, seem to be absolutely sure of so many things.
Bell Curve
In statistical terms, when we measure most populations on most scales (such as height, weight, IQ, education, age at death, etc.) the result is the familiar bell shape of Pareto’s Law.
It make sense: Some people are really tall, some are really short, and . . . → Read More: Yes, No, or It Depends?
By Joel Bowman, on January 22nd, 2013 I don’t very often write extended book reviews for my blog, but I am making an exception for Choice Points: When You have to Decide Which Way to Go, by Phil Hollander, Robert Reaume, and Harvey Silver. (See for more.) It is an excellent book in more ways than one. I will say more about those ways, but first, a bit of background:
In the interests of full disclosure, I need to say that I know one of the authors, Phil Hollander. We first met in 1994 at an NLP training with Richard Bandler in Toronto. We have . . . → Read More: Forks in the Road
By Joel Bowman, on January 3rd, 2013 It’s that time of year. When we turn the page from December to January, most of us give at least a little thought to “New Year’s Resolutions.” It’s hard not to. Virtually every publicationboth traditional and electronichas at least one article on how to make and keep resolutions, what resolutions are being made by famous people, and how quickly resolutions can be broken. We tend to forget that we can leave old behaviors behind and/or begin new ones at any time, but birthdays and the start of a new year tend to amplify the sense of leaving the old behind . . . → Read More: Resolutions Revolution
By Joel Bowman, on December 20th, 2012 It has been almost two months since my last blog entry. I have been busy, and a lot has been happening, some of which I thought would make good posts, and some of which interfered with my writing. In that category, if you have been following Debra’s and my SCS posts, you know that Debra needed to have a complete hysterectomy. She is now recovering and still hoping to spend the coming winter in Florida, which she has been thinking of as a “healing garden.”
Some of the discussion following the shooting of the children at the Sandy Hook, . . . → Read More: Evidence Procedures, Part 2
By Joel Bowman, on October 16th, 2012 This entry is a collection of things that have been on my mind over the past few weeks, including some additional commentary on my quest for hearing improvement.
Before I provide an update on my hearing, I need to correct something I said previously about the Crystal Consciousness intervention I received from Jane Frey and Pam James during the Wellness for All conference in Chicago. I didn’t realize at the time that Jane is the developer of that technique. She describes it this way:
Crystal Consciousness Connection is an energetic process which allows us to connect deeply . . . → Read More: Before, During, and After
By Joel Bowman, on September 10th, 2012 A version of this post also appears in the October “Beyond Mastery” newsletter.
If you have been following Debra’s and my attendance at various conferences and meetings this year, you already know that we’ve been hanging out with some of the best healers in the country. This article describes the interventions I have received along the way, primarily for my principal presenting problem of hearing loss. My hearing had been declining for at least the last 10 years.
One of the things about hearing loss is that it is subtle. When your vision gets blurry, you can see . . . → Read More: Interventions for Hearing Loss
By Joel Bowman, on July 14th, 2012 This blog entry, which I am cross posting to the SCS Beyond Mastery Newsletter, could have been called “Adventures in Kinesiology,” as in some ways, it is a follow-up to my blog from 22 April, Adventures in Mesotherapy. Debra and I have just returned from the 37th Annual TFH Conference, where I experienced two powerful healing sessions from people attending the conference. But first, a bit of background information:
The training complex, “Hamburger University,” was connected to the Hyatt Lodge by a walking bridge over Lake Fred, which I suspect was named for Fred Turner, who followed . . . → Read More: Wellness for All
By Joel Bowman, on June 20th, 2012 While we don’t always get good customer service, I hope that we (you and I) always do our best to provide it. This blog post is a follow-up to my previous post on Gas Pains. When I wrote that blog entry, I had received less-than-wonderful customer service from #Napoleon Fireplaces and blogged about my experiences attempting to get a new plastic knob to control the gas valve on a Napoleon gas log insert. You can still see much of the discussion on Facebook, although at this point you’ll need to search for it.
To summarize, the original gas knob, . . . → Read More: Customer Service
What You Say Is What You Mean
Mitt Romney’s “47 percent” comments have become a well-known example of how a person’s mouth can get him or her into trouble, especially in these days of cell-phone video and YouTube. The moral of the story is that people (you, me, and Mitt Romney) need to be aware that the demarcation between “private” and “public” has become increasingly fuzzy.
Even when people are being careful with their language and know that others will hear or read what they say, choice of words and manner of delivery may say more than was intended. In a recent column in the New . . . → Read More: What You Say Is What You Mean
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