The dove and feather amulet hung on her rear view mirror. The dove hung at one end, and the feather hung at the other. It had never (not ever!) flipped over. That is, not until that day.
Somehow she knew it was significant, but she really had no idea what it meant.
She could never have dreamed that she would lose him before they were married. Of course, she was young, and after he died in the accident life went on for her. She married, had a family, and it was as though the door to her past had been closed. Or so she thought….
She was having so much stress at work. She made an appointment to meet with a healer.
“There is a man here. He wants you to know that he loves you very much.”
She broke down in tears.
“He is helping you with this challenge,” the healer calmly assured her.
Suddenly the amulet’s having flipped over popped into her mind. She realized that had been a message from him! She ran out to her car to look, and it had flipped back over again.

She sent a message to the healer: “Last week and this week have been great at work. The job is easier; I am more confident. My attitude changed. Thank you for helping to improve my life and well-being! The healing work you do is a very special gift!”