When it comes to healing, one size does not fit all. In fact, navigating a health challenge is not only personal, but sometimes totally unique.
Bob lived through complications of treatment no one before him had ever survived. Hank is the only known person to have his own heart beat while on a left ventricular assist device (LVAD). LVAD is a pump that is used for patients who have reached end-stage heart failure. Jane Foster is the only person from the clinical trials Gleevec, a chemotherapy used to treat leukemia and other kinds of cancer and related diseases. Some people are allergic to penicillin; for others it is almost a miracle drug. Many people make back issues worse with surgery; some have dramatic improvement and welcome relief from pain.
For sure, you are the one best to determine the best course of treatment and healing methods.
Years ago, I was a keynote speaker at a community gathering about holistic health options. I created a handout with about 50 resources. I called it the A (aromatherapy and acupuncture) to Z (zen meditation) of options. I was introduced, and made my way to the lectern. Before I could say a word, a woman in the audience raised her hand. I was thinking maybe she was going to ask to have the lights turned down, or the volume turned up. I nodded to her, and she spoke, “I would like you to tell me in what stretch of imagination astrology could possibly be seen as a valid medical intervention.”
Today, I might mention books on the subject, such as Astrological Healing: The History and Practice of Astromedicine, by Reinhold Ebertin. That evening, I took a deep breath and replied, “Well, given your tone of voice, astrology would probably not be a good option for you. However, if a person held a belief in the influence of planets on people, and that person had been struggling with a life-limiting or life-threatening issue and had an astrological reading and was told things were going to shift dramatically for the better due to a Saturn return or some other predictable sky phenomenon, the person would now have hope. And hope is one thing no one has a right to take away.”
You could have heard a pin drop in that room. I went through the list of brief explanations of the modalities listed on the three-page handout I provided. It was a good lesson for all of us.
In the interest of transparency, you are cordially invited to read an article about my recent A to Z of Healing. It can be found at The Truth About Healing.
This week, give a lot of thought to the uniqueness of personal healing, and pay special attention to what has heart and meaning for you. As you respect yourself, you will appreciate others more and more, and that is genuinely the best medicine…
Tips from 5 April 2010 to 6 August 2012 are here: Archived Tips
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Rev. Debra Basham
Voice or text: (269) 921-2217 Email: debra@scs-matters.com https://scs-matters.com http://ImagineHealing.info http://SurgicalSupport.info Small Changes … Infinite Results™
“If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.” ~ Mother Teresa |
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