She had received an email of condolence following the passing of a friend from heart failure. In her thank-you reply she shared a few more details including that her friend’s younger son had died of a bee sting at the age of 42, leaving her friend truly heart broken.
“Her son will be thrilled to greet her….”
Something about this idea did not sit softly so she wrote back, “I wish we didn’t just think of a reunion happening when we lay the body down but more understand the ongoing love across the veil. Do you know the Abler Soul work? I deeply resonate with it.”
She sent a link to Sounds True Cynthia Bourgeault: When Two Become One: Love Beyond Death.
Early the next morning she opened to the following message from Neale Donald Walsch, author of the Conversations with God series:
On this day of your life I believe God wants you to know that there is a family reunion awaiting you, and you will be more overjoyed than you can now begin to imagine.
On the day you leave your body — what I like to call your Continuation Day you will be greeted by everyone you have ever loved in any way for any reason… and, standing in front of the group, every person who has been so very dear to you. It will be a grand and glorious reunion, with joy and laughter and pure wonderment filling every heart and soul!
This has also been experienced by everyone who has ever left here — all those who have gone before you — of course.
So do not grieve for them. They are so very happy!
I’m not sure why you were meant to hear this on this particular day…but I bet you are…
Oh, yes, totally clear why she was meant to hear it on this particular day. She was having a conversation with God!
As Niels Bohr said, “The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth.”