I woke up yearning to get out on my bike but clicked on the video by Mary Reed (The Unwitting Mystic). I spent the next hour hearing, feeling, knowing I was right where I was to be.
I have spent time with Mary Reed in person, and I have followed her video offerings. Mary is the real deal. Her message of love is simple but not easy.
In the video, she describes the mechanism of creation as the FOCUS of awareness, the INTENTION of awareness, and OUR REACTION to what we’re aware of.
Mary shared this talk in reaction to the latest mass shootings, but it is in all of life that we are being asked to observe honestly, “What is my contribution?”
It is so easy to think we have nothing to do with horrific events, but as Mary says, everything that is happening is only happening within me…. there is no other way it can happen.
I am aware of that which I am in oneness with, and I am in oneness with that which I am aware of.
It is vital to remember, I am the only place from which there can be a different reaction.
I can focus clearly….
I can intend wisely….
I can react lovingly….
I can ask myself if I really am willing to be that presence of divine love. And I can answer, “Yes, I am.”
Regardless of how busy your life seems, you will be glad you took an hour to watch.