We Are What We Think

It is surreal that I posted my previous blog just yesterday. I did say this self-selected social isolation may not last forever, it may just feel that way.

Actually, I don’t really mind the solitude. Last evening Barbara Brodsky asked our Dharma Path group to notice how very little is different about this from retreat, which we all love.

Well, one difference is that on retreat we have no news.

The Awakened Heart group was asked to ponder these points:

1. Please reflect on some ways you are able to ground yourselves in Love even with the fears and other emotions brought forth by Covid-19.

2. How can we each become a true power of Love in our present world, offering the expressions of Love to help release suffering?

3. “We are what we think; with our thoughts we make the world.” (Dhammapada)

4. What if the whole world were to shift from negative, fear-based thoughts about this virus, into a strong, clear compassion?

5. How does our practice help?

6. How to we practice with fear and anxiety?

Aaron says a high vibration makes your energy field like Teflon, so the virus is unable to stick.

People Quarantined in Italy Join Together In Song From Balconies During Coronavirus Lockdown.

In California they are calling it “safe sheltering.” One friend said they scheduled a noon concert on their street. They arranged a playlist and everyone came out on their porches and played their instruments.

I am going to suggest virtual playing of “Farkle/10,000” with friends Linda and Larry. We can each have our set of five dice and we can be on FaceTime or Zoom for the game. Like safe sex, it is a game where everyone wins….

We are what we think. With out minds we make the world.

Let’s get creative to see how many ways you can find to keep joy and fun and lightheartedness alive to balance the inconvenience and fear.

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