The Collective

When I picked up the spoon off the napkin to stir my morning tea, a huge ant fell out onto the kitchen counter. I carefully picked it up with the napkin, and carried it out onto the porch.

Looking up “ant as animal totem” I was surprised to see a reference to MOLD:

The plant spirit medicine of mold is in partnership with Ant medicine and it teaches of the psychedelic dimensions of Earth.

The insect nation is in direct communication with such dimensions which is why it is often very disconcerting to encounter Dragonfly, Ant, Spider, and all the other tiny crawlers of Earth.

(Regular readers of Yellow Brick Road know we had quite the dance with mold.)

Coming back to get my tea, I saw a long-legged spider in the sink. I grabbed a tissue and carefully delivered the spider to the porch as well. Very unusual happenings both of these….

The following morning, another (near-identical) spider was in the sink!

Over the past week I have been gifting contents from my professional office. While it was not an easy decision to give up a formal practice space, I have already had many confirmations that opportunities abound to love, serve, and remember, as Betty Lue and Robert (Reunion) taught us to sing.

My massage table went to Tina at Creative Therapy School of Massage.

The elephant statue was dropped off to Kimberly.

It has been my hope that the love and healing related to each item and all of our history will continue to bless the world with remembered wholeness.

I had an odd interaction when I dropped off the door name plate to one colleague. Knowing she had last expressed not having been vaccinated, I put on my mask and offered a hug. “No hugs,” she replied. “I have to protect you.” The words did not match the energy.

“I am masked to protect you,” I responded.

“No hugs,” she repeated, shaking her head.

I got back into my car feeling some sadness. I was very grateful our next delivery was to drop off the afghan with Jesus surrounded all the forest creatures. It was a wonderful visit…. complete with hugs.

One of the members of the Zen Empty Circle shared the stressful situation with his in-laws, who neither mask nor choose to be vaccinated against the coronavirus — understandably wanting his young daughter to come spend time with them. They miss her. He does not feel comfortable allowing her to go. The meditation teacher said, “Remember you are not keeping her from them, you are protecting her from the virus.”

In our own family we have this dynamic.

In many families, this polarized world view expresses itself.

What will our post-pandemic world be? The wondering comes if we will we be like the Sneetches (Dr. Seuss) and get over ourselves, but at a cost like when McBean drives away with the Sneetches‘ cash, exclaiming, “They never will learn. No. You can’t teach a Sneetch.”

It did not feel as though she refused a hug “to protect me” but I do know she is not a Sneetch, and neither am I….

If you want to go fast,
go alone.
If you want to go far,
go together.

~ African Proverb
(The tag line on the ant totem reading.)

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